Patch 0.3.2: Quite a huge one! One more round of things to improve the game. Thanks for the feedback and the help! Map updates!
- Fixed collision and lighting bugs on cq_abbey, cq_dam
- Fixed collision and lighting bugs on cq_excavation
- Fixed collision and lighting bugs on hld_water
- Fixed collision and lighting bugs on tdm_office
- Fixed collision and lighting bugs on cq_dam
- Fixed cq_cliffside bugs
- Adjusted some covers on cq_cliffside
- Fix some map exploits on cq_excavation
- Clean up cq_excavation minimap
- Adjust color grading on cq_excavation
- Adjust some covers on cq_excavation
- Adjust some covers on cq_excavation
- Fixed black beams on cq_excavation
- Fixed collision exploit on cq_dam
- Adjusted and added lights to darker areas on cq_dam electro
Device updates!
- Some fury bug fixes
- Increased spark size
- Increased range for punisher
- Increased Punisher damage by 2
- Fixed slide issue
- Added animation stretching to ready time to match the character to the ready time
- Adjusted ready times to make run and gun harder
- Less volume/falloff step sound when crouch/prone
- Also less run/walk step sound for shadow
- Less fall damage
- Lower movement acceleration on characters
- Fixed no ready time when run + fire + a or d button pressed
Weapons and shooting updates!
- Some adjustments aiming in cover
- Added randomization to bullet impact sounds
- Crosshair is now invisible when ready time is active
- Set run to aim with no delay
- Added minimum spread when moving and not in cover
- Adjusted minimum spreads for all weapons to make hipfire less accurate
- Adjusted spread multipliers for cover to have lower spread
- Fix for Grenade camera issues in cover
- Nade ignore owner mesh while moving
- Firing + aiming stuff fixed
- Aiming clips the body adjustment
- Set cancel nade throwing with switch weapon button or to near to wall
- fix red dot visibility under intense lighting
- Added succes hit sound
- Some little sniper rifle buffs
Other updates and changes!
- Some animation adjustments
- Disabled XGE controller
- Fixed character transparency when aiming to avoid head clipping
- Fixed lobby start button stuff
- Respawn ui fix
- Respawn time set to 8 secs
- Fixed to be able to use keyboard in respawn menu when ingame menu opened/closed
- Shadow now has a longer and wider scan than juggernaut or commander
- Set to show armor mitigation in stats+for all weapons between 4-25 %
- Spawn sound effect
- Added Gun down and up tools sound
- Adjusted characteder HP to juggernat 115 commander 110 shaddow 100